Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Book Review - How to Instantly Connect with Anyone

The front cover of the book
Title: How to Instantly Connect With Anyone – 96 All – New Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
Author: Lei Lowndes
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
Published: June 2009
Book Detail: 314 pages including bibliography

            I have come across a book with the title of How to Instantly Connect with Anyone and there are 96 all-new little tricks for Big Success in Relationships by the international bestselling author, Leil Lowndes. The author has provided the readers with techniques to enable us to break through that invisible barrier that keeps us down, both personally and professionally. The tips and tricks provided may help us in meeting new people and speak with confidence, make new friends and command the respects of everyone that we meet. She has suggested that by using these deceptively simple methods, we may be able to reach greater success in all our relationships.

            The book has provided us with ten parts to achieve the aim as how to instantly connect with anyone. Part one will be the seven little tricks to make a great impression before people even meet us. Of course there will be tricks like how to develop excellent eye contact in ten easy steps, how to use our eyes to make people crave our approval, how to wear confidence when meeting people and many more. Part two will be eleven little tricks to take the “hell” out of “hello” and put the “good” in “good bye”. There are twelve little tricks to develop an extraordinary gift of gab as part three and ten little tricks to actually enjoy parties being the part four.

            Besides, part five provides five little tricks to handle invitations; the good, the bad, and the bummers and part six provides thirteen little tricks to be a cool communicator. This marks the most tricks out of all the other nine parts. There are also twelve little tricks to avoid the thirteen most common dumb things we should never say or do be the part seven and eleven little tricks to give our email today’s personality and tomorrow’s professionalism as the part eight. Part nine provides with ten little tricks to make a big impression on our cell/phone and lastly, part ten provides with five little tricks to deepen the relationships we already have.

            There goes with the introduction or a list of summary of the ten parts provided by Lowndes. One might want to share a very useful trick that extracted from Lowndes’ book. She has suggested us to say the parties name before their role in our life and do not get flaunt in someone’s position plays in our life but to introduce him or her as a real flesh and blood human being who actually has a life apart from us and maybe even a name to go with it. After giving the name, insert a verbal period then in a new sentence, inform the listeners of the role of him or her in our life. One could provide an example, i.e. do not say “Meet my best friend, Jewel.” But say, “Meet Jewel, my best friend” instead.

Personal Review

            One found this book by Leil Lowndes is very useful and perhaps it could change our life in dealing with other, to strengthen the relationship and of course to connect with anyone instantly. It is easy to understand the tricks provided and its direct applicable to our daily life. You may be able to get the book from various book stores in Malaysia. The book is published in 2010 by Vermillion, an imprint of Ebury Publishing and first published in the USA by McGaw-Hill in 2009. You may refer to www.rbooks.co.uk for further details.

Written By: Tan Yee Thuan


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