Friday, April 13, 2012

PlayStation Vita introduces Skype on 25 April (Only Available AE, AU, GB, IE and NZ)

PlayStation Vita introduces Skype on 25 April (Only Available AE, AU, GB, IE and NZ)

Skype Video and Voice calling app will be available for PlayStation Vita (PS Vita) free of charge from 25 April. It can be downloaded from PlayStation Store under the“Media & AppSocial” category.

Now, gamers can keep in touch with each other around the far corners of the Earth as the video calling is available for both 3G and Wi-Fi models.

Skype also fully utilize the PSP Vita’s front and rear cameras with high quality free Skype-to-Skype video calling. 

As if you think it won’t get any better, there is also a feature called, “background mode,” allow the user to run Skype while playing game or running apps without actually missing a call. 

You still can call landlines and mobile networks as long you have Skype credits.
Source Via EU Playstation

Written By ZiWen Yeong


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